Marvel Tsum Tsum Game Wikia

Booster Challenge is a special Battle where War MachineWar Machine has to be defeated for Booster Booster rewards. Boosters are the only type of reward available from this battle.

It is available on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.

For more information see: Battles#Resource Battles


The only possible reward for the Booster Challenge are Booster Boosters. The amount received per slot is increased with difficulty.

By default, you get two prize slots per game. However, you can increase the amount of slots you get:

all games Winning the battle:
Booster-clear always 2
co-op with friend Playing co-op with a friend:
Booster-friend always 1
solo only Your Leader Tsum's Luck
in a solo game:
Booster-luck 0-1 if Leader Tsum's Luck is 1-98,
chances increase with luck;
2 if Leader Tsum's Luck is 99
co-op only Luck of the Leader Tsum
of the hoster in co-op:
"1p luck"
Booster-1pluck 0-1 if Leader Tsum's Luck is 1-98,
chances increase with luck;
2 if Leader Tsum's Luck is 99
co-op only Luck of the Leader Tsum
of the supporter in co-op:
"2p luck"
Booster-2pluck 0-1 if Leader Tsum's Luck is 1-98,
chances increase with luck;
2 if Leader Tsum's Luck is 99

So at maximum you can get 7 prize slots per game.

Attacks & Abilities[]

  • Spark Attack — War Machine's regular damaging attack.
  • Grow — War Machine increases in size. He takes about 10% less damage, but becomes easier to hit with AoE Skills or Bombs.



War MachineWar Machine is Power, so he is countered by a team of Speed.

Don't forget that the more Tsums on your team have an advantage type over the villain, the bigger your advantage!

Don't forget that you can send Bombs to your partner during co-op by flicking them up quickly when the villain is not on your screen!

Booster challenge is considered the easiest battle in the game, but if you are having trouble with it, play co-op with Friends and you'll beat it easily in no time.

Clear Rewards[]

easyEnergy Coinx500
normalEnergy ISO-pinkx3
hardEnergy Orbx1